Getting involved in university student life is a great way to meet people, discover new interests, develop skills, and have fun! There are hundreds of clubs and associations at Concordia University, so there’s something for everyone.
One easy way to get involved is to participate in your Member Association's events. MAs host a variety of academic and social events catered to students within the department they represent, and attending events is a great way to meet people in your program! If you are in a mathematics program, your MA is MASSA. You can check out MASSA's upcoming events here, and if you're interested in joining the team, click here to learn more!
While MAs represent students in a specific department, other clubs and associations are open to all students, making them a great way to meet students outside of your program. You can volunteer, play games, get a workout, join an association, learn a new skill... and much more!
It can be overwhelming to look at the lists of hundreds of clubs, so attending a clubs fair is a great way to find clubs that interest you. Clubs fairs usually happen at the beginning of each semester. If you miss it, another tip is to search Facebook or Instagram for clubs. This is a great way to see how active a club is, as well as keep up on their activities!
For some resources about getting involved, check out the links below!